Rhetoric and Cyber Risk Communication

Communicating Effectively about Cyber-security Risks: Probabilities, Peer Networks and a Longer Term Education Program (Kevin Quigley, Calvin Burns, and Kristen Stallard – March 31, 2013)

Identifying and effectively communicating cyber-security risks from both known and previously unseen threats is a major challenge. It is our contention that there are strong parallels between the present cyber security debate and the 1993-1996 framing period for Y2K, which creates considerable risks and opportunities for government and CI industries. In order to have a more measured and appropriate response to present cyber security issues, we need to examine the rhetoric of the “management guru” community. We need to strengthen communication and the knowledge exchange between IT security specialists and business managers (lay people) who use and depend on IT systems.


Contextual factors influencing Canada’s new national cyber strategy

This research examines contextual factors that influence government risk regulation regimes, in particular, the Canadian government’s new national cyber strategy.  We examine the extent to which markets, public opinion and special interests are likely to influence the government;s approach to cyber security. We endeavour to create a dialogue about risks and opportunities that lie ahead for government in this policy area.